Expect your miracle-Rev Fr Mbaka unveils the formula for divine manifestation
Due to your ugly conditions, some people might have been making caricature of you, questioning the existence of God upon your life, and asking you to show them an evidence of your relationship with God. Yes! They are actually saying the truth. There should be an evidence of your relationship with God, to show the world that you are serving a living and miracle working God. In this message, Rev. Fr. Mbaka reveals the tips for expecting and experiencing miracles and enjoins the people of God to always pray with expectations.
What is that burden that you are carrying that has made people to question your service to God? What is it that you are passing through that you think God cannot handle? Only God knows the magnitude of that problem. But I want you to know that there is nothing that God cannot do. You might have prayed over the situation for a long time, and you are even about giving up. But today will be the last day we will be praying over this your ugly situation in Jesus name, Amen. Expect your miracles as from today.
The bible says in Hebrew 13; 8, ‘’ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever. He is as much of a miracle worker today as He was in the Bible decades ago. He still performs miracles for his people to help them out of any difficult situation they are passing through, and you are not left out.
However, He simply cannot help you with a miracle if you do not believe He can. The bible says the only way we can please Him is by having faith in Him. Heb.11; 6 says, ’’But without faith, it is impossible to please Him; for he that come to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him’’. When you seek Gods’ presence and request Him to intervene in your situation with faith, you can see miracles happen. God has power over all creation and has the ability to work miracles for you, but your faith is also required.
God is never your problem. God is always your solution. He made you for miracles and He made miracles for you. The secret to a prosperous, healthy, and joyful life is by expecting miracles. Tell Him that you not only believe in miracles but that He is welcome to perform miracles for you. Also, ask him to use you to perform miracles on behalf of others.
Each and every one of us can expect and experience miracles if we come with open hearts and trust in God. Therefore, what are you expecting? Are you expecting miracles from God? What miracles are you expecting from Him? Are you expecting the miracles of divine healing, fruitfulness, prosperity, victory, job opportunity, life partner, success, protection, long life and favor? The lame should be expecting to walk; the barren should be expecting to conceive; the poor should be expecting to be wealthy; the sick should be expecting a divine health; the singles should be expecting a good life partner; the jobless should be expecting a good job opportunity, and the disappointed should be expecting a divine appointment. How can the students who are not expecting success succeed? How can somebody who is not expecting to be rich, be wealthy? God is abundantly able to do for you more than you ever think or imagined.
Many of you do not expect anything from God when you come into His presence. You always come with lack of expectation, and that is why you return back remaining the same most of the time. From today, after you might have finished sowing the seed of prayers, expect a harvest of miracles. That is to say, you should pray with tremendous expectation. Remember Jesus said in John 14; 14, ‘’whatever you asked in my name, be sure, I will do it for you’’. There is no farmer who does not expect a bountiful harvest after he has planted some seeds in his farm. It is not becoming over- ambitious. You are doing what you ought to do.
When Moses was preparing for war against the Amalekites in Exodus 17, he expected victory, and God granted it for him. Also when David was preparing for battle against the Goliath in 1Samuel 17, he expected victory from God and he was able to defeat Goliath. By the side of the Red Sea, the Israelites were expecting a miracle from God, and the Red Sea divided into two such that they were able to cross the Sea on a dried land (Exodus 14). In John 11, Martha and Mary were expecting Jesus to bring Lazarus back to life, and He did it. When the blind Bartimaeus was calling on Jesus in Mark 10, to have mercy on him, He was expecting a miracle of sight. God granted him the desires of his heart and he was able to see again. Hannah ran to Shiloh to ask God for a fruit of the womb expecting a miracle child and her expectation was met (1Samuel 1). In John 2, when the wine got finished in the wedding in Canaan, Mary ran to Jesus expecting a miracle. That was why she went and told the disciples to do whatever Jesus asked them to do, even when Jesus told her that His time has not yet reached. Jesus indeed performed the miracles. A pregnant woman is called an expectant mother. She buys babies’ wears and other things, getting ready for the day she will give birth. The grandma too will be preparing and expecting the arrival of the child so that she will come for an ‘omugwo’. That is how we should be expecting our miracles.
Tips to expecting and experiencing your miracles
You have got to believe in miracles; you serve a God of miracles. A miracle is the supernatural intervention of God in the problems of His people. By believing in the power of God, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. At some point in your life, you will either be forced to live in the potential of your faith or with the consequences of your doubt. In mark 9; 23, Jesus said unto him, ’’if thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth’’.
Visualize your miracles; use the power of imagination to see yourself receiving your miracles, and then match your imagination with a positive action. Every architect draws a picture before the building begins. Someone visualized the chairs you are sitting on before it ever became a reality.
Abraham could not receive from God until he saw himself the way God intended him to be. God wanted him to be the father of many nations. However, Abraham saw himself childless. As long as this unscriptural vision of himself prevailed, no miracle child could come to Abraham. Hear the unbelief that filled Abraham’s imaginations in Gen 15;2, “Lord God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless…’’. You can imagine God saying, ’I cannot give you a child if you don’t see yourself with a child. I want you to get a fresh, new vision of the countless generations I am going to give you’. Scripture tells us that everything changed as soon as Abraham began to see himself receiving from God. Gen 15;5 says, ‘’ And He brought him forth abroad and said, look now towards heaven , and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and He said unto him, so shall thy seed be.’’ Abraham visualized his generations of children every time he beheld the stars at night. There fore, use your imagination to pre-play in your mind those miracles that you desire from the lord.
Find a prayer partner; You cannot trust everyone with your private thoughts or problems. But you need someone to pray with. One cannot multiply, but two is the secret to multiplication. Jesus introduced a method of prayer called, a prayer of agreement. Don’t ignore it. It is clearly stated in Mathew 18;19, ”again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven”. Therefore, always stand as a prayer partner to somebody. Speak positively unto the life of the person. If your prayer partner is barren, poor, disappointed, sick, etc, pray for God to turn his/her situation around.
Pray positively and with faith; when it comes to miracle manifestation, we must focus on our faith. Place your faith in God and trust that God will answer your prayers. Remain positive throughout your prayers. When you don’t trust in God’s capabilities, you are praying with a doubtful hearts, and you might find it difficult to receive from God. Allow your passionate faith and trust in God to remove the burden of doubt from your heart, and remain focused on what God is capable of accomplishing in your life.
When Jesus came to the house of Martha and Mary after the death of Lazarus in John 11, Martha said to Jesus,’’ If you were here, my brother would not have died, but even now I know that God would grant you whatsoever you ask of Him’’. What a faith! Hebrew 11; 1 says, ‘’ faith is the substance of the things hope for, the evidence of things not seen”. Since you are expecting your miracles, it must come in no distant time.
Pray precisely; don’t be afraid to state what you want in clear and simple language. You need to be very specific when you ask God for miracles. Precise prayer requires focus and dedication.
Pray persistently; never giving up believing in the manifestation of your miracles is another key to experiencing your miracles. Pray until something happens. Luke18; 1 says, ‘’one day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show that they must never give up’’. Galatians 6; 9 says, ’’Lets not get tired of doing what is good, at just the right time; we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up’’. Asking persistently for a miracle demonstrate your commitment.
Pray with patience; waiting for a miracle to happen can be frustrating; you may feel helpless, hopeless and lost. Don’t lose faith in God. Your prayers are not being ignored. God works on His own timeline and in His own way. While you expect your miracles, remain patient and lean on God.
Sow a miracle seed; your seed is anything you do that helps another. It could be your tithe, offerings or any other act of kindness you extended to somebody. Whatever it is, your seed is always your door out of your trouble. Luke 6;38 says, ‘’give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over , shall men give unto your blossom, for with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again”.
Therefore, don’t you ever pray without expectation. This is because your expectation will trigger your motivation. Your motivation will trigger your higher imagination, and your imagination will in turn attract your miracles.
God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think
Exodus 34;10 says, ”behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the Lord: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee”. Let’s begin to expect great miracles that have never being done elsewhere. God can perform for you, miracles that have not happen before. For instance, I have never heard that manner felled down from heaven except to the Israelites in Exodus 16. I have never heard that rock yielded water except to the Israelites for the first time in Exodus 17. I have never heard that sea parted into two and people crossed over on dried land except in Exodus 14 when Israelites were going to Promised Land.
What do you want God to do for you? Psalm 24;1 says, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and all who dwell therein’’ Only God knows the magnitude of the problem and the burden you are carrying, and He alone can perform the miracles for you. Isaiah 10; 27 says, ‘’on that day, the lord will unburden your burden, and the yoke shall be destroyed by the anointing”. Mathew11; 28 says,’’ come to me all who labor and are overburden, I will give you rest’’. God is desirous of giving you rest, do not limit Him. There is nothing He cannot do. In Job23; 13, He is the Almighty and He changeth not. In Psalm 23, He is your shepherd; there is nothing you shall want. In Psalm 46; 1, He said that you should call on Him in time of trouble
source: https://ift.tt/2Px6XKB
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