Top 10 Mistakes Men and Women Make in Bed

Top 10 Mistakes Men and Women Make in Bed

Couple on bed

While men dream of mastering sexual techniques, women are obsessed with having a perfect body. But both are focused on wrong things, as problems in bed usually arise because of other reasons. Here are ten common mistakes that both sexes make in the bedroom from vava site

Men’s mistakes in sex

Here’s the list of the worst sex mistakes men make.

1) The lack of female desire and wrong interpretation of it

It’s female body that arouses men the most. Just one look at a naked woman’s forms gets them sexually excited. But women are different. Their arousal is strongly associated with imagination and fantasy, so they need more time to get into the right mood for sex. Don’t perceive the lack of your partner’s desire as a wrong thing.

2) Getting disappointed because the partner is hard to arouse

This mistake is closely related to the previous one. In fact, all women are hard to arouse. This is a matter of physiology. But if the partner feels that the man is disappointed because of this, her desire may disappear completely.

3) Focusing on the intimate parts of the body too early

A lot of men prefer genital caresses to others and think that women share their preferences. Well, that’s a mistake. Your partner’s physical arousal is not yet a signal that you should skip the foreplay and proceed to the “main” part.

4) Focusing only on their erection

This is one of the most common mistakes during sex. Men who care too much about their erection can destroy the feeling of intimacy during sex. If the man gets focused on delaying ejaculation, the woman may feel like she’s not the main object of his desires.

5) Stimulating only the vagina

Certain areas of the clitoris are almost as sensitive as the penis. Needless to say, that vaginal stimulation alone isn’t very effective. Yes, of course, there are some exceptions. But usually, the clitoris is the center of female sexual pleasure.

12 things a man thinks, but will never tell

Women’s mistakes in sex

And now for the mistakes that women make while having sex.

1) Too complicated hints

Many women seem to believe that men can read minds. Therefore, instead of expressing their desire directly or demonstrating it with some actions, they resort to a system of subtle hints only they can understand.

2) Women say too little about their desires

Women don’t understand that it’s not enough to say about their desires only once. The man can simply forget about his partner’s preferences. Ask your loved one to remind you of them.

3) Women concentrate on their bodies’ shortcomings

One single look at a naked and attractive woman can arouse a man. But women don’t see this, concentrating on their bodies’ flaws. The flow of self-criticism strongly affects arousal, reduces the desire, and makes sex boring.

If your partner has a similar problem, try to distract her from criticism, shifting her attention to tactile sensations. Try to listen to her breath, let her feel the pleasure of touch.

4) They are too worried about making things right

Among other mistakes women make in bed, this one is the most annoying. To give your partner maximum pleasure, you need to enjoy the process yourself. Women are more likely to concentrate on how they behave in bed. As a result, anxiety doesn’t allow them to relax and explore their own sensations. Let your partner know what you like. This is much better than spending precious time and effort on mastering the perfect sex techniques.

5) They don’t know how to touch a man

Men love passionate touches. But women often do it excessively gently. They do it the way they like it themselves. Besides, often men complain that their partners don’t want to touch intimate parts of their bodies.

These mistakes may seem insignificant compared to mistakes men make in bed, but they are no less important when it comes to intimate life.

Top 10 Mistakes Men and Women Make in Bed



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