Every Android Easter egg and how to find it
There are a ton of little nods in the Android OS to consumers and the developer community. One of the longest-running gags is the venerable Android Easter egg. What is an Android Easter egg? Put simply, it’s a hidden feature in the Android OS that you access by performing specific steps in the settings menu. There have been many over the years, from interactive images to simple games. Here is a quick list of every Android Easter egg and how to access each one. We’ll keep updating as Google adds new ones! Before we get started with the list, you can actually experience basically all of the Easter eggs yourself with this Android Easter egg app on the Google Play Store . It has near-perfect recreations from Android 2.3 Gingerbread all the way up through Android 10. Android 2.3 Gingerbread Android had a rather ghoulish first Easter egg. It featured the old bugdroid logo next to a zombie gingerbread man in a scene that looks like Halloween. The story goes that Android framework te...