Two pupils of a private school, identified as Bright Future Academy, lost their lives during a heavy downpour while returning from school on Thursday around 4:30 pm at Omikunle area of Ijaiye, Lagos State on Thursday. According to Punch, the Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Chike Oti said the pupils, identified as Olumide Olaegbe, 15, and his friend, Farouk Jagun, 16, both of whom were in SS2, fell into a septic tank and that they were rushed to a private hospital in the area where they gave up the ghost. He said, “The incident happened on March 29, 2018, at about 4:30 pm. It was reported at the station on the evening of that same day’. One Olumide Olaegbe, male, 15; and his friend, Farouk Jagun, male, 16; both students of Bright Future Academy fell into a septic tank at Foursquare Street while coming from school during a heavy downpour. “Both of them gave up the ghost same hour while receiving treatment at a private hospital.” Meanwhile, some persons ...