Essential delays Oreo 8.0 release, but gives news on 8.1 beta
With Android 8.0 Oreo having been officially released in August last year, for the past few months Android users have been enduring the long wait for their phones to receive the update. While it took some time, as we enter the new year, more and more Android owners have been receiving their updates. However, there is bad news for Essential Phone owners today as it seems like they will have to wait just a little longer. This comes as the company announced that it will be skipping Oreo 8.0 and going straight to 8.1. An update on the public release of Oreo: — Essential (@essential) January 30, 2018 In a statement on the official Essential Twitter account, the company explained that after Oreo 8.0 beta testing they discovered several “stability issues” which have lead them to decide to focus their efforts on Oreo 8.1. Ultimately, they said that this “will push the public release of Oreo back a couple of weeks.” Of course, while this is bound to be dis...