NFL Players: We Play On Empty Stomach & Borrow Money To Survive
That Nigerian football has followed the part of the country’s economy—always running cap in hand to the West despite its huge human talent—hasn’t come as a surprise to close followers of the game. With an enormous pool of players scattered all over Europe, the United States of America and other parts of the world, there are even suggestions that footballers could soon overtake crude oil as the country’s major export product. But behind this brain drain to the West is the harsh economic suffering that has befallen most players in the Nigerian Professional Football League. Besides playing on bad pitches and insecure match venues, they are frequently owed sign-on fees and salaries, are underpaid in some cases and lack proper medical care and insurance like it’s done in the western world. Unlike in the 1980s and 1990s when players blossomed on the domestic front before moving abroad, the anguish experienced by these players make them want to jump at any offer outside the shores of the ...